This is a constitutional petition challenging the vague and over broad language used to describe offences in the Computer Misuse and Cybercrimes Act, 2018. We represent the petitioner, Bloggers Association of Kenya (BAKE). One of the provisions of the Act challenged is the creation of a Fake News offence. The manner in which the offence is described is an affront to the right to freedom of expression.
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See AllThis case was filed at the Kenyan High Court in December 2022. The Petitioners are Abrham Meareg, Fisseha Tekle and Katiba Institute. I...
This is a representative constitutional petition filed in Kenya by our client, Daniel Motaung. He has sued Meta and Samasource. The case...
In this constitutional petition, we ask the Court to declare access to the Internet a basic right in Kenya. We represent the Law Society...
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